Running QtScript Apps in N900

With the latest PR 1.2 firmware, it is relatively easy to get QtScript based JavaScript applications running on Nokia N900. The steps to take are:

  1. Download and install Nokia Qt SDK.
  2. Download QtScriptGenerator source, generate bindings for JavaScript, and compile them with the latest QtCreator for Maemo target. To generate bindings you need to compile and run the generator binary (see QtScriptGenerator README for further instructions). On QtCreator, open the .pro file found from /qtbindings/ folder, enable building for Maemo and build the release version.
  3. Copy contents of the folder /plugins/script/ and qs_eval binary from /qtbindings/qs_eval/ to your N900 (I used /usr/qtscript/ folder).
  4. Set executable rights for qs_eval (chmod a+x qs_eval).
  5. Install libqt4-script from Maemo 5 repository (apt-get install libqt4-script).

Helpful tools to get things work on the N900 were unzip and rootsh. If you are lazy, and don’t want to do steps 1 and 2, you can just download compiled libraries from here.

See Lively for Qt project website for example applications.


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